To begin this blog, I believe it is only appropriate to post with a photo of me with a packing list I made (I love lists, see my About Me tab). This photo was taken by my mom when I was 17 years old and about to leave for a trip to Spain and France for 10 days with about 30 of my fellow high school classmates. Below is a photo of my teenage self overlooking Barcelona. This was the last time I was in Spain. It was an amazing trip, but a short trip. The most important thing about this experience was that it gave me just enough time to understand that I wanted to see more. It got me to promise myself something: I will return on my own someday.
But this was not the only trip that planted the travel seed for me. Flashback to when I was in the 6th grade. The third installment of Pirates of the Caribbean had just been released and the most popular song was Umbrella by Rihanna. Ahh those were the days. My parents (both librarians) were invited to present at a conference being held in Spain and decided to bring my brother and me with them. It was again for just about 10 days but it showed me that traveling in the country of Spain was something that I wanted to do again when I got older. Here is a photo of me and my father in El Parque de Buen Retiro.
So after these short trips, years of dreaming, years of saving and months of applications, it's happening! I am finally fulfilling the promise that I made to my younger self to return to Spain and truly experience all it has to offer. I have my plane ticket, my passport, my student visa and a ton of excitement.
Beyond just living in the of the city of Toledo, Spain (where I will be living with a host family for the four months), I will also be a student at the Universidad de Castilla- La Mancha. Stay tuned! Only 27 days until my plane leaves the United States!